LexBlog is making it’s aggregated and curated database of legal blogs freely available to legal research providers (libraries, legal research companies/platforms, AI solutions) via an enhanced RSS feed.

Providers will have open and free access to almost a half a million legal blog posts and an ongoing feed of posts from 1,400 blogs and 23,000 blog authors – and growing by the day.

These blogs include both blogs published on the LexBlog platform as well as blogs published elsewhere. Inclusion is free on LexBlog.com, the source of the feed.

Legal blogs represent the leading source of legal insight and commentary on the law today.

Articles from lawyers, law professors, law students and business professionals in the legal field that used to find their way into law reviews, journals, periodicals, and even books, are now predominately published on WordPress, an open source publishing solution which grew out of blog publishing.

These articles annotated case law, codes and regulations, the things we classify as primary law. It was common practice for lawyers to cite at the trial and appellate level this secondary law as persuasive analysis of primary law – still is, except this secondary law is now generally published on blog software.

The problem (we see as an opportunity) in annotating primary law with secondary law comes from the democratization of the printing press. Legal blog posts come from everywhere, in all sorts of feeds.

As a solution, LexBlog will start offering an enhanced RSS feed of over 400,000 legal blog posts from 1400 sources and 23,000 authors. The authors and daily post count will grow as legal professionals submit their blogs for free inclusion in LexBlog.

The RSS feed allows a partner to pull into their database the following content from a post:

  • <title>
    • Title of the post
  • <link>
    • Link to the original post
  • <date>
    • Date post was published
  • <creator>
    • The author of the post
  • <category>
    • The category of the post
  • <content>
    • The content of the post
  • <source>
    • The Source term associated with the post
  • <organization>
    • The Membership term associated with the post

LexBlog vets blogs so as to limit the feed to credible sources, manages the onboarding of the feeds from the blogs so as to create a clean feed and add additional metadata and sets up/maintains the feed.

The Legal Blog Feed Project is another way in which LexBlog can empower and inspire legal bloggers, as well as contribute to the advancement of the law.

We look forward to seeing partners from legal research, legal libraries, AI and legal research platforms use our free and open feed. We also look forward to their feedback.

Our RSS Terms of Service is posted here.