Oof—it’s getting pretty chilly here in Seattle. Those of us who are bike commuters are stuck bundling up and then hoping that the downhills don’t result in too much biting wind. Luckily, those of us who are bike commuters and work at LexBlog have the fire of new blogs to keep us warm. This week we’ve got some great ones, so let’s get to it:

  • Coming up from Squire Patton Boggs is the brand new Latin American Legal blog, which will follow recent legal and political changes affecting the Latin America region. Along with that they’ll be providing insight on the potential challenges and opportunities those changes can present to global businesses, as well as to Latin American firms looking to invest or expand abroad.
  • This week also saw Troutman Sanders launch their new Renewable Energy Insights blog! Be sure to check here if you’re looking for the world of analysis of recent news and developments affecting the renewable energy industry.
  • And from the Kean Miller team we have Everything IP Under One Digital Roof, whose name describes it pretty aptly. Their team will provide counseling on how to best obtain and protect proprietary assets and represents clients in infringement litigation or other types of disputes involving intellectual property.