In 1994, California created the Bergeson-Peace Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank, more commonly known as Ibank. The IBank is California’s only general purpose financing authority. It helps finance public infrastructure and private development that promotes a healthy climate for jobs, contributes to a strong economy, and improves the quality of life in California communities.

The IBank is part of the GO-Biz office, which is short for the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development. The IBank is governed by a five-member board of directors. A full-time executive director runs day-to-day operations. The IBank issues a number of different bonds to finance its programs. There are also a number of different programs within the IBank, including the Infrastructure State Revolving Fund Program.

The IBank also issues loan guarantees in partnership with seven different collaborating financial development corporations, or FDCs, in California. According to the IBank, since its inception it has financed more than $55 billion in infrastructure and economic development projects in California.

You can find the full transcript of the audio in today’s podcast here.

Photo of Chris Micheli Chris Micheli

Chris Micheli is an attorney and legislative advocate for the Sacramento governmental relations firm of Aprea & Micheli, Inc. As a lobbyist in the labor and employment field, he was directly involved in the development of California’s changes to its Equal Pay Act. …

Chris Micheli is an attorney and legislative advocate for the Sacramento governmental relations firm of Aprea & Micheli, Inc. As a lobbyist in the labor and employment field, he was directly involved in the development of California’s changes to its Equal Pay Act. The Wall Street Journal (July 1998) called him “one of the top three business tax lobbyists in the state.” The Los Angeles Times (May 2005) described him as an “elite lobbyist,” and Capitol Weekly (August 2006) described him as a “prominent lobbyist.” He received his B.A. in Political Science – Public Service (1989) from the University of California, Davis and his J.D. (1992) from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. He serves as an Adjunct Professor at McGeorge School of Law.