Intellectual Property

Legal minds meet entertainment headlines in the milestone 200th episode of ‘The Briefing’ – the acclaimed Entertainment, Media, and IP law podcast hosted by Weintraub Tobin’s Scott Hervey. Set to air November 27th, this landmark episode caps off a journey through the fascinating intersection of entertainment, innovation, and the law. Whether it’s breaking down trademark battles or untangling thorny

The 90s hip-hop group 2 Live Crew won big in their copyright case against Lil’ Joe Records. Scott Hervey and Jamie Lincenberg break down copyright termination rights, bankruptcy, and what it means for artists reclaiming their work on this episode of The Briefing.

Watch this episode on the Weintraub Youtube channel or listen to this podcast episode here.

For more than half a century, Marvel Comics and DC Comics have jointly owned the trademark ‘Superhero.’ However, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board recently granted a petition to cancel that mark because it became generic. Scott Hervey and James Kachmar discuss this case and how marks become generic on this episode of The Briefing.

Watch this episode on the