
Direct-to-consumer (DTC) shipping for craft breweries has rightly become a hot issue and is gaining momentum. With the COVID-19 pandemic wiping out two of craft beer’s main sources of income, taproom sales and keg beer sales for restaurants and bars, the only main income stream that breweries had during the pandemic was DTC sales. They simply weren’t enough for many

University of the Pacific’s McGeorge School of Law graduates achieved an 81% first-time bar passage rate on the February 2021 California Bar Exam, the second-highest pass rate among all California law schools.
McGeorge surpassed the 65% average first-time pass rate for graduates from all California ABA-Approved law schools and the 57% rate for all ABA-Approved law schools outside of California.

What is a Judicial Clerkship?

A judicial clerkship is a full-time position working for a federal or state judge that often (but not always) starts right after you finish law school. Clerkships may be with any level of court (supreme, appellate or trial court). In addition to the traditional courts, consider special federal courts such as the U.S. Court of