The European Commission’s cases against Microsoft in the 2000s set the framework for the assessment of abusive conduct related to product integration and interoperability, and Microsoft became the first “big tech” company with direct experience of the power of antitrust enforcers. In this episode we explore how Microsoft adapted its conduct in light of the imposed remedies and their continuous supervision, tracing how the company’s relationship with government enforcers evolved over time. No longer merely a defendant, Microsoft has more recently leveraged its experience to put pressure on its digital rivals and influence ongoing antitrust enforcement in the tech sector.
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Learn more about the hosts:
Kay Jebelli, Counsel to the Computer & Communications Industry Association – Twitter (@KayJebelli), LinkedIn, SSRN
Friso Bostoen, Academic at KU Leuven & Research Foundation Flanders – Twitter (@BostoenFriso), LinkedIn, SSRN