We catalogue and syndicate a heck of lot of legal blog content on and through the LexBlog and Open Legal Blog Archive sites and systems.
And we receive a lot of inquires as to what content is eligible to be included in the LexBlog and Archive “libraries.” In general, and I am not the chief librarian, we look for credible legal insight and commentary with a defined author.
Whose content is included in LexBlog? Blog content from LexBlog customers, with a page created for each the blog, the author and the publishing organization. Profiles are created for each. These profiles, along with the content, are included in syndication of content to third parties.
Inclusion on LexBlog is a nice plus for the bloggers and publishing law firms as lawyers and their posts are displayed on LexBlog and listed as legal columnists on Google when a Google search is done on a lawyer’s name.
Firms are looking for SEO. LexBlog does not index the blog content. But LexBlog does provide links to the blog, each blog post, each firm and each author. Links that help boost the search results of posts, blogs, lawyer profiles on law firm web sites and the law firm web sites, themselves.
Links, though not the be all and end all like years ago, do carry weight when coming from LexBlog, a twenty year old web site looked at by Google and AI platforms as a credible legal site.
Don’t get me wrong, LexBlog is not doing near the SEO work nor having the impact that seasoned SEO professionals would make.
The Open Legal Blog Archive does much the same as the LexBlog “library.” The Archive includes all credible legal blogs, worldwide. Customer or not.
Each “library” syndicates legal blog content. For example, vLex, a leading legal intelligence solution, receives blog posts within a second (RSS powered) of when a firm posts a blog, which post is then immediately displayed and available for search at vLex.
Content also goes out by email.
I’ll grant you this is a cursory summary of the LexBlog and Open Legal Blog Archive systems and sites, but I’m getting a decent explanation out there for you.
We have a lot of work yet to do. Come to think of it, if you have a passion for the law, libraries, AI and the like and want to help out with the growth of our libraries, drop me note.
We’re building the biggest body of secondary law in the world, which is only to grow exponentionally with AI amplifying the passion and expertise of blogging legal professionals, worldwide.