The Wall Street Journal’s Cade Metz and Karen Weise reported Monday morning that Microsoft is making a ten billion dollar investment in OpenAI, substantially increasing the company’s investment it had already made in the AI driven chatbot, ChatGPT.

Microsoft is making this investment as it looks to expand the use of artificial intelligence in all of its products.

In addition to design applications and Bing, I have heard from a fellow Seattle business person that Word will also include a ChatGPT component.

Today’s news supports Mi­crosoft CEO Satya Nadella’s announcement of last week that the company plans to in­cor­po­rate ar­ti­fi­cial-in­tel­li­gence tools into all of its prod­ucts and make them avail­able as plat­forms for other busi­nesses to build on and that com­pany would move quickly to com­mer­cial­ize tools from Ope­nAI.

What’s this mean for legal bloggers? Change. Sooner than later.

ChatGPT is far from perfect. But Microsoft deploying AI in Word, and Google likely deploying AI in Docs, will bring about change in the way we write.

We may find getting an assist here or there, AI not replacing our writing, helpful. I am starting to test AI in my blogging. I can see it’s value.

Amd how we search for items as we do our blogging is going to change as Google search changes with AI, assuming it will.

Legal bloggers will also likely see AI offered as a feature in WordPress based writing platforms – by far the most widely used web writing platform by lawyers. LexBlog likely included.

Seems a story a day on AI.