We should have a digital publication covering women, worldwide, in legal tech – if there is not already one out there.
Not a traditional reporter and editor driven site/publication but one driven by the women in legal tech, their companies, their organizations and others covering women in legal tech.
Rather than reporters and editors, we’ll leverage portal technology which aggregates and curates writings and news. More below.
You’d have to be living under a rock to miss the women who are founding legal tech companies in areas where society has a real need.
Whether it’s a legal product development company, a platform for tracking the pro bono efforts of lawyers, or empowering people in small claims courts, women are leaving their mark in legal tech.
And I’m only hitting a few.
I feel a bit chauvinistic to call out women leaders in legal tech. After all, we’re all in this legal tech industry together and I don’t believe women in legal tech are looking for special treatment.
But I have been in the legal profession for a long time.
I’ve seen law school classrooms dominated by men. I’ve seen women treated very poorly by lawyers and judges. Women had to work twice has hard as men in practice. May still be true, look at the number of managing partners who are women.
In legal tech, I’ve heard and read about women unable to raise capital because they were a woman. The number of venture capitalists who would see them was far fewer than in the case of men.
It’s time to shine a light on the women leaving their mark in legal tech. And to inspire women legal tech entrepreneurs who are just getting started and the women law students who aspire to land in legal tech.
We need to give increased visibility to the products, platforms and solutions being developed by women in legal technology.
Coverage would not be limited corporate legal tech. Libraries, knowledge management, law schools, non-profits and more include women doing great work in legal tech.
Traditional digital magazines are apt to die, assuming a publisher is even willing to cover such a niche.
Imagine a publication run on portal technology aggregating and curating existing publishing on women in legal technology – includes the publishing/blogging of the women themselves, the people in their organizations and others, about them.
Would include announcements from the companies as well.
Each contributor – including company founders, other women working in legal tech companies, law students and law professors would have a profile in the publication. As would their organization.
Every day, via the incoming feeds, there would be a steady flow of new contributions, available to users via email or RSS.
I get pumped thinking about it.
Enough so thatLexBlog would be happy to contribute our portal technology and help support the publication’s operation.