Blogging is a life changing event for those who take the initiative to share what they are learning in their careers and offer their accompanying insight along the way.
Lawyer, accountant, developer, support professional, salesperson or whomever. It doesn’t matter.
This morning I saw an announcement from Bloomberg that Tax Attorney, Kelly Erb is joining the Bloomberg Industry Group to lead their Tax News Team’s contributed content efforts.
Kelly is your typical young lawyer with a young family who, like me did not graduate from an elite law school.
She started out the Erb Law Firm twenty years ago with no reputation, locally or nationally, as a leading tax attorney.
Today, I’d bet Kelly has all the work she needs, has no worries as to the costs of college education for her kids, can travel to her kids sporting events without worrying about the costs and can take nice vacations with her family.
Much, if not all I am guessing, the result of Taxgirl, a blog she started in 2004 to help people as to the tax information they needed. A blog that has built Kelly a local, state and national reputation along with a ton of relationships.
Imagine how her kids look at at their rockstar mom. Also her husband who rides the arm of a wife who is accomplishing so much.
I shared Kelly’s story with my LexBlog team this morning.
I explained that we don’t develop and support blogs. LexBlog makes dreams come true – for lawyers and for they people they serve.
I shared that if you’re looking to make your own dreams come true, there’s not a better way to do so than through blogging.
Kelly is not a LexBlog customer. I have known her for years as a result of blogging and watched her reputation continue to grow.
Stories like Kelly’s give me goosebumps. I’m serious.
While other lawyers sat on the side lines out of laziness or not believing that blogging, personally, would propel their career, Kelly, armed only with a belief and the willingness to work, achieved what a young lawyer could only dream of.