Conceptualizing legal blogs, worldwide, as a community makes it easier to conceptualize the network of information these bloggers are creating, the positive impact they are having and how LexBlog can work on a goal that is much bigger than itself – a worldwide legal blog community, including every legal blog.
This from an interview with Geo-Cities co-founder, David Bohnett, who was struggling with a way to describe the Internet.
“And one day in 1994, it just came to him. His hosting site didn’t need a technological innovation. It needed a conceptual one. Users needed a new way of navigating the web. So he sketched out a plan to make his website feel more like a real neighborhood.”
Geo-Cities was an Internet company creating websites. “Communities” were easy to understand as a place you live or go to.
“GeoCities was creating these communities and then conceptualizing them as places you could go as neighborhoods on the net. So you could be a citizen of a country, and you could then be a netizen of somewhere like Geocities.”
Garry Vander Voort, my former COO and still a consultant to LexBlog sent Bohnett’s quote to me after we were discussing a worldwide legal blog community.
“I love this revelation and need to remind myself of this all the time. Tech is always complex to someone, even when it seems easy. You can throw tech at the problem, but if you can reconceptualize, it widens the reach of your product.
How is X similar to something people already know? How does one lean into that?”
LexBlog needs a definable and quantifiable cause – indexing every credible legal blog in the world in our legal blog community is something we can lean into.
It’s not impossible.
- There is a defined number of legal blogs
- Blogs are not living under rocks, they want to be seen
- LexBlog is a the leading name when it comes to legal blogs
- Law firms and law firms want their blogs indexed in LexBlog. It’s free, increases visibility to lawyers/blogs, provides a SEO bump and syndicates blog posts across LexBlog’s syndication network.
How does LexBlog generate revenue? This, for my team members.
Think of legal blogs as homes.
The writings, art and music (“the works”) prepared by people in the homes LexBlog stores in a data base. We deliver relevant “works” to those wanting to syndicate such “works” on one of our media players (our licensed syndication portal product). They, of course, can play their own media on the media players.
Relevant “works” with meta data (name, location, contact info, schools, memberships, social media attributes) can also be syndicated via our API to other platforms, whether they be research/AI platforms, law firm websites or other sites. The user of our API will pay a licensing fee.
With thousands of legal blogs (homes) in our community, LexBlog looks for blogs whose technology is lacking. Stability, speed, security and mobility, among other things.
Think of it as a contractor which every community member likes as a result of what the contractor has done for them preparing and circulating reports of those houses with erosion problems, foundation issues and old shingles.
LexBlog knocks on the door and offers to help where we can, with a professional platform eliminating all the defects.
Those homes (blogs) seeking to use our platform join the thousands of others already paying an annual licensing fee for use of the platform.
You’re getting my thinking out loud. LexBlog’s thinking on legal blogs as a community is far from cooked.