I noticed today that veteran legal blogger, Bob Ambrogi added a resource section to his LawSites Blog.
Called, LawSitesResources.com, this resource section is a frequently changing collection of white papers, e-books and other resources, all available at no cost.
The section currently lists twenty different resources, covering topics that range from CCPA compliance to data privacy to the law firm of tomorrow.
For example, this week’s featured resource for family lawyers and family law professionals is a free report, How Parenting Plans Are Being Modified During COVID.
Ambrogi, blogging on legal technology matters for almost eighteen years, has a good sized audience of lawyers, other legal professionals and legal tech companies.
His audience is likely to have an interest in the items shared, the particular items varying based on their interests.
Items at LawSitesResources.com are sponsored by the companies that produced them and generate revenue for LawSites. You would not be charging for resources posted to a resource section to your blog.
They may include:
- Resources from government agencies
- Resources from various organizations, including companies
- Law firm publications – your firms and other firms (assuming not a problem
- Your own blog posts that are evergreen in nature that you reduce to a nice PDF
- PDF outlines of information your law firm otherwise shares in emails, client alerts, articles etc
- Relevant podcasts or videos
I am sure there are more items you could share, but you get the point.
Know too, that not every blog needs a resource center – and a resource would be work to assemble, needs to be good and needs to be updated with new items and the deletion of outdated items.
Legal blogs have also proven more valuable business development tools through regular engagement of your audience than as a destination site.