Reviewing state bar association websites and their online publications, we’re finding that the vast majority do not include a listing of their member attorneys’ law blogs.
There are exceptions. I gave a shoutout today to the State Bar of Arizona and veteran journalist and editor of the Arizona Attorney Magazine, Tim Eigo for their work in creating and running the Arizona Attorney Blog Network.
Bar association websites, as they should, routinely list resources for member lawyers and the public. Even though law blogs represent some of the best, if not the best, legal reporting, information and commentary – for the public and lawyers – blogs are largely absent from bar websites.
Resources for the public on websites include pamphlets, ask-a-lawyer, call a lawyer, self-help articles and lawyer referral services.
Imagine adding a listing of blogs sharing practical and regular insight from caring and experienced practitioners from cities, large and small, across your state.
Better yet, imagine a flow of blog content across a bar site page or online publication of curated law blog content. A living and breathing resource for the public and lawyers.
A number of bar association sites have bar association or bar section blogs with contributions from members attorneys. They’re good.
Democratizing such blogs to include contributions from independent bloggers or a listing of such independent blogs and their publishers who are members of the bar would only add greater value to member attorneys – and the public.
All bar associations discuss the merit of lawyers and how they serve people. Law blogs – in some states, over a hundred of them – and their lawyer publishers are living proof that lawyers do care and are willing to share information and insight freely with the public.
Shine a light on these women and men who are blogging. It’ll keep them blogging, keep them them giving lawyers a good name and keep them establishing trust in lawyers in your state.
I empathize with bar associations in that many are understaffed and underfunded. The idea of handing more work – getting law blogs on a website or online publication – to some of the most hard working and dedicated people around is not appealing.
Perhaps with some planning and effort over time – and help from LexBlog – we can make a little headway in getting some of the better legal information and commentary available to members of bar associations and the public.